Simplify your booking management

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simple and efficient

Manage your experiences and bookings from one place

  • Manage multiple locations or projects from one account
  • Use widgets to offer direct bookings from any site
  • Use the storefront available through the system

Liva bookings offers a user-friendly way to manage your bookings and experiences. A robust engine that keeps your operations running smoothly no matter the size.

Try for free

Improve efficiency

Simple, smart and scalable

User-friendly Interface

Intuitive design ensures a seam­less experience for both you and your clients.

24/7 Accessi­bility

Allow customers to book anytime, anywh­ere, in any device, increasing your business’s availa­bility.

Autom­ated Remind­ers

Reduce no-s­hows with autom­ated email and SMS remind­ers.

Customizable Features

Allow customers to book anytime, anywh­ere, in any device, increasing your business’s availa­bility.

Secure Payments

Integrated payment processing for hass­le-free transacti­ons.

Comprehensive Analytics

Gain insights into your booking trends and customer pref­erences to make informed decisi­ons.

Developed with the travel industry

„We have been involved in the development from the very beginning. Because of Liva I will be able to replace two, if not three, much more complex systems“

Ágúst Elvarsson, Operations Managers at Jökulsárlón

Improve customer satisfaction

Enhanced Customer Experience

Customers benefit from real-time updates on availability, booking confirmations, and payment statuses. Send relevant information to your customers when needed. Move bookings or delay events. Easy transparency builds trust and improves overall satisfaction.

Developed with the travel industry

„With Liva, I will be able to....“

Ágúst Elvarsson, Operations Managers at Jökulsárlón

Smart Solutions

Ready to use integrations

samstarf við ferðaþjónustuna

Integrations for productivity

Þróað í samtali við Jökulsárlón ferðaþjónustu

  • Ágúst Elvarsson rekstrarstjóri Jökulsárlón ferðaþjónustu
View all integrations


Integrations for productivity

Connect Liva to your DK+ system

Automation of data entry and synchronization between the booking system and ERP reduces manual work, minimizing errors and saving time. This allows you to focus on more strategic tasks.

View all integrations


How can we help?

Check out our documentations or contact us