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Creating Experiences and Events

It's time to create your first experience

Once you have setup your company account and project you can start setting up your experiences and events.

You can either go straight to experinces from the projcet wizard or use the left menu bar to navigate there.


Experience is where you select your photos (up to 6) and write your description and itinerary. This will be what you customers see on your storefront or in your widgets.

You can always update your photos and texts when needed.


Once you have created your experience you can add single events or event series under it.

You can have multiple events for each experience and you will use internal names for the events to keep track of what is what.

After selecting add events you will be asked the following:

Channels and Visibility: this means  where your event should be made available. Web means it will be published to web, public means any one can book it, agent means you can add agent discounts and rules

Internal name is to help you keep track of various scheduled events. For example Winter tours 2024

Availability: How many are allowed to book this event.

Agent availability: If you selected the Agent in channels and visibility this field will become available. If you need to reserve slots for  Agents only you can add it here. Note that any number here will be subtracted from the availability field for the public. So for example if you event can seat 120 persons and you reserve 40 seats for Agents the public will only be able to book 80 seats.

Agent deadline: I you want to have a deadline on the Agent availability you can enter it here. After the deadline is met unreserved availability will become available for public booking.

Base price: If there is a flat fee or single price for your events you can enter it here. If you how ever have different prices based on age or groups leave this blank

Sales cut-off time in minutes: If you don't want last minute bookings through your online sales channels you can control availability here. For example if you have hourly start times and add 40 minutes here will result in events that start within 40 minutes will not be visible on the online channel. Note that this will not prevent you from doing manual bookings through Liva. 

Sales Units: Here you can choose from pre created sales units or add new ones. You can limit availability for each unit type - for example if you only want customers to be able to book 5 seats in each booking you can do that. Once you have added one sales unit you can then link that unit to the next one. For example if you offer child admissions but they need to be accompanied by an adult you could link the sales unit for a child to an adult sales unit resulting in child not being available until an adult has been selected.

Additional Sales units: Here you can manage upsells, add-ons and other additional offerings. For example if you customers can add on a food item you would use this option. Here you will need to give the unit a name, description and price. You can limit availability per bookig here as well. 

Resources/assets: If you have resources defined for the project you can link them in here. For example if the event needs a bus you can add it here. This is more for your records and management - customers will not see this. Liva will notify you if your events availability has more slots than is available in your resource. For example, you select a bus that seats 40 persons but you have 60 in the event you will be asked to verify you want to continue.

Staff: If you need you can add a host or manager to the event. If a host is selected it means the events will be visible to them through their staff account to Liva and they will be able to check in customers on arrival. Manager and administrative roles will always be able to see events and manage check in.

Cancelation policy: Here you can set in hours how many hours before start time and how much % of the amount charged will be kept if your customers have to cancel, if left blank no policy will be set. This field will be visible on booking channels.

Scheduling: Here you can choose from preset schedule if you have created one, custom schedule or a single event. Preset schedules are managed through company settings. When creating a custom schedule you will be able to manage intervval between start times, block out times during the day or add buffer between slots. Please note you can not use both interval and buffer.

That it!